Don’t let your driveway’s damaged asphalt get in your way-reach out to an experienced asphalt paving contractor for help. With Lakeridge Paving Co., you can count on your asphalt driveway serving you for years to come. Rely on us for your home or business in Redmond, WA.
Take Care of Your Home or Business With A New Asphalt Paving Job
Your driveway or parking lot needs to be durable enough to stand up to the weight of the cars it supports. You also need to make sure your property drains properly-you don’t want Redmond’s frequent rains leaving deep puddles in your way. Choose a local paving company that knows how to effectively meet your needs.
Lakeridge Paving has served the area since 1968, giving us nearly 50 years of experience. We’ve grown from a tiny startup to a full-service paving company with more than 70 employees and a comprehensive range of equipment. Whether you need custom driveway paving or bicycle path paving, count on us to get the job done.
Get A Free Quote Today!
When you need asphalt for your home or business, call Lakeridge Paving. You can reach us toll-free at 888- 403-8290 to speak with a representative, or you can request a quote online. We look forward to working with you.